Patients & Visitors
Patients & Visitors
Patients & Visitors | Plan Your Visit
Plan Your Visit
Plan Your Visit

It's important to take a few minutes to plan your next clinical visit, whether you are a first-time patient or a long-time visitor. 

Specify Your Concerns

There are countless reasons why you may need to visit your local NeoHealth clinic. From mysterious symptoms to treatment plans, we understand that your circumstances are unique to you. As you plan your visit, take some time to specify what it is exactly that you are seeking help for.

Bring All Your Relevant Information

If you already take any prescription drugs, over-the-counter medication, or other supplements, please be sure to share this information with your health care provider. Similarly, be prepared to provide your insurance information, as well as any other providers you have seen or still see.

Once you are ready to meet with experts in health care who take your comfort and privacy seriously, then locate your nearest clinic and schedule an appointment today.