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Your Trusted Leaders in Behavioral Health
Don't let anything hold you back.
Helping You Navigate Your Options

Our Behavioral Health Consultation Service (BHC) offers assistance when habits, behaviors, stress, worry, or emotional concerns about physical or other life problems are interfering with a person’s daily life and/or overall health. Together with the patient and the Primary Care Provider, the BHC can consider the physical, behavioral, and emotional aspects of the health concern and help determine a course of action towards behavior change that will work best for you.

Helping You Navigate Your Options
Your Behavioral Health Providers
Allie Grantham
Allie Grantham
Guidance, Support & Treatment When You Need It
Guidance, Support & Treatment When You Need It

NeoHealth's BHC can help you reduce symptoms associated with various chronic medical conditions, or help patients cope better with these conditions. A few of these are: Headaches, Sleep, High Blood Pressure, Asthma, Diabetes, Obesity, Chronic Pain, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

The BHC can also assist in the development of behavioral change plans for medication adherence, smoking cessation, weight loss, alcohol use, exercise or other lifestyle modifications. The BHC can also assist with the development of skills to effectively manage emotional or behavioral difficulties such as: Anger, Anxiety, Bereavement, Depression, ADHD, Learning or Memory Problems, Child Development/Parenting, Trauma Exposure Related Responses, and Stress.