
4 Facts Your Gynecologist Wants You to Know

4 Facts Your Gynecologist Wants You to Know

The field of gynecology is essential for helping women maintain their health. When visiting your OB/GYN, there are certain things you may not think are important or may not be aware of. 

Find out four facts your gynecologist wants you to know before your annual visit. 

1. Your Family History Is Important

Some patients think it’s unnecessary to inform their gynecologist of certain illnesses within their family. The truth is that your family history is vital, as it can increase your risk of developing certain conditions. 

For example, if a woman in your immediate family has had ovarian cancer, you are at an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer yourself.

Your gynecologist needs to know this information so that they can provide adequate testing for these conditions.

2. Pain Is Not Normal

You may believe that it is normal to experience things like vaginal discomfort or pain during intercourse. However, pain is a sign of an underlying issue. You should not be feeling pain with urination, during sex, or at any other time. This pain can be a symptom of serious concerns like cervical cancer or endometriosis. 

If you are experiencing vaginal pain or other types of gynecological discomfort, you need to inform your doctor right away and have the cause of your pain evaluated.

3. Pay Attention to Your Discharge

Vaginal discharge is normal and expected, but you should pay close attention to what your discharge looks like. Discharge that is too thick is not always normal and can indicate underlying infections and diseases. 

In addition, discharge that varies in color is also abnormal. If your discharge is dark yellow or tinged with blood, you should seek treatment with your gynecologist as soon as possible.

4. You Need an Annual Exam

Many patients think that a yearly gynecologist visit isn’t necessary if they aren’t having any issues. While you may not have any symptoms, you should still have an annual pelvic exam. Your gynecologist can evaluate you and perform a pap smear to rule out many conditions that might not show symptoms early on.

Scheduling Your Gynecologist Visit

Are you due for your annual gynecological exam? Scheduling your yearly visit allows your doctor to diagnose and treat serious conditions, including endometriosis, cervical cancer, and ovarian cysts. Make sure to schedule an annual visit with your OB/GYN to maintain your gynecological health.


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